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Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux

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Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux

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All publications about Mental health

5 publications. Choose a new criterion for consultation

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How children and teens experience bereavement
Psychosocial Information Sheet

Last modification: April 15, 2020
No. 20-210-32WA

Image de la couverture du document.

I am in bereavement for one or more people who lost their lives in the pandemic
Psychosocial Information Sheet

Last modification: March 23, 2020
No. 19-210-17WA

Image de la couverture du document.

Practical guide to mental health rights

Last modification: October 5, 2009
No. 09-914-05A, ISBN 978-2-550-54854-6 (PDF)

Image de la couverture du document.

Quebec's Strategy for Preventing Suicide - Help for Life
Action plan

Last modification: January 19, 2001
No. 97-237a, ISBN 2-550-32842-6