Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
List of Therapeutic Nutritional Products covered by the Québec food program for the treatment of inherited metabolic disorders - January 2025

Since the late 1960s, the Québec health and social services network has been screening newborns for certain treatable inherited metabolic disorders. Identifying these disorders only a few days after birth makes it possible to begin treatment quickly and thus avoid significant physical and intellectual damage to children.
The Québec food program for the treatment of inherited metabolic disorders (Programme alimentaire québécois pour le traitement de maladies métaboliques héréditaires or PAQTMMH) ensure that people with inherited metabolic disorders requiring a diet restricted in protein, fat, or carbohydrates have access to the therapeutic nutritional products prescribed to them, regardless of the health region they live in. It promote adherence to treatment, given the very serious consequences if treatment is interrupted (e.g., intellectual disability, neurological complications, death) and the significant social, family, and individual costs that can result and prevent these individuals and their families from having to bear a significant financial burden.
The List of Therapeutic Nutritional Products is intended for healthcare professionals and for people with inherited metabolic disorders registered in the PAQTMMH and their families. This list is elaborated by the Coordination Committee of the PAQTMMH

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Online since: July 13, 2020
Last modification: February 13, 2025
Author: MSSS
Publication no : 24-923-03WA
No. ISBN (PDF) : 978-2-550-92032-8