Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Being a lessee in a private seniors' residence – A simple and practical guide to inform lessees about their rights and obligations
Guide, Booklet

In this guide, you will obtain simple and precise answers on how to act and what actions to take in case of problems enforcing clauses in your lease or the quality of services provided. This guide also specifies when and under what conditions you may terminate your lease, and what you must do during the lease renewal period. You will also find the contact information of the resources and services available to inform you more and help you if the need arises.

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Online since: October 8, 2019
Last modification: November 20, 2020
Author: MSSS
Publication no : 19-830-25A
No. ISBN : 978-2-550-84913-1
No. ISBN (PDF) : 978-2-550-84914-8