Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Activities guides and other tools – Drug awareness week 2007

Activities guides and other tools – Drug awareness week 2007

You are about to download the English version of this publication. Please note that this is aimed for those covered by one of the exceptions under the Charter of the French language.
Address book age 12 to 17
(PDF, 5 Mo, 7 pages)
Activity guide age 12 to 17
(PDF, 4 Mo, 5 pages)
Poster - cannabis theme age 12 to 17
(PDF, 705 Ko, 4 pages)
Poster - gambling theme age 12 to 17
(PDF, 626 Ko, 4 pages)
Poster - designer drugs theme age 12 to 17
(PDF, 628 Ko, 4 pages)
Poster - alcohol theme age 12 to 17
(PDF, 657 Ko, 4 pages)
Activity guide age 12 to 17
(PDF, 386 Ko, 2 pages)
Activity "Law of effect" - Set of cards age 12 to 17
(PDF, 4 Mo, 3 pages)
Activity "Law of effect" - Sheet Countless effects age 12 to 17
(PDF, 201 Ko, 1 page)
Activity "Law of effect" - PowerPoint age 12 to 17
(PPT, 3 Mo, 12 pages)
This publication is available only in an electronic version.
This publication is available in French.
Online since: November 1, 2007
Last modification: November 1, 2007
Author: MSSS
Publication no : 07-001-08A, 07-001-12A, 07-001-13A