Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
The SexEducator 25 – Toward improving adolescents' contraception use
Most adolescents have worries when it comes to contraception. This issue of The SexEducator helps grasp and describe factors that influence adolescents’ use of contraceptive method. Those concerns can vary depending on their age, sex, sexual activity, type of relationship with a sex partner, culture, information they have been given, anticipation about their parents’ reaction and support, etc. Some personal, relational, familial and social factors should also be considered to better support adolescents’ choices, and their adoption and ongoing use of contraception.
Some useful potential interventions for care providers in the health and social services network who give teens advice on contraception are presented, as well as learning activites that can be conducted in schools or any other youth settings.
The SexEducator magazine is produced by the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, in collaboration with the Université du Québec à Montréal, the ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur and Tel-Jeunes.
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Online since: March 3, 2016
Last modification: March 3, 2016
Author: MSSS, UQUÀM, MEES, Tel-Jeunes
Publication no : 15-314-15A
No. ISSN : 1718-5238
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