Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Notebooks and other tools – Drug awareness week 2015

The 28th Drug Awareness Week will be held November 15 to 21, 2015. Under the theme “The people in your life make you stronger,” young people age 10 to 24 are encouraged to cultivate their social skills with friends and family. The tools offered focus on developing a positive support network and the social skills needed to build one. Young people age 13 to 24 are also made aware of the risks and consequences associated with alcohol and drug use and gambling.

You are about to download the English version of this publication. Please note that this is aimed for those covered by one of the exceptions under the Charter of the French language.
Notebook age 10 to 12
(PDF, 1 Mo, 7 pages)
Notebook age 13 to 16
(PDF, 1 Mo, 8 pages)
Notebook age 17 to 24
(PDF, 1 Mo, 8 pages)
Notebook Aboriginal youth age 13 to 24
(PDF, 1 Mo, 8 pages)
Flyer "How to make Drug Awareness Week appealing to youth"
(PDF, 437 Ko, 2 pages)
This publication is available only in an electronic version.
This publication is available in French.
Online since: October 30, 2015
Last modification: November 2, 2015
Author: MSSS
Publication no : 15-001-11A, 15-001-12A to 15-001-14A