Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
The Québec Pandemic Influenza Plan-Health Mission
Action plan

The Québec Pandemic Influenza Plan—Health Mission details the potential effects of an influenza pandemic on the health and psychosocial well-being of Québec’s population and on the everyday workings of society. It also defines the strategies and activities that will be put into action at the provincial level to deal with an influenza pandemic. The Plan covers five major areas: public health, physical health, psychosocial intervention, communication and the maintaining of services.
The Plan will guide the players of the health and social services network in carrying out the action plans according to the roles and responsibilities handed down to them, thereby helping to ensure an effective, coordinated and coherent response in the event of a pandemic.
It will also serve as a reference for the population, our partners and related bodies, such as regional civil security organizations and the other missions of the Québec government, local elected authorities and deputies. This health plan is being coordinated with plans that cover other government missions, most of which are included in Québec’s National Civil Protection Plan.

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Online since: March 9, 2006
Last modification: March 9, 2006
Author: MSSS
Publication no : 05-235-05A
No. ISBN : 2-550-46563-6
No. ISBN (PDF) : 2-550-46564-4