Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Health, in other words... The desire to live longer and healthier

Healthy living depends on a variety of factors; some stem from the individual, whereas others involve the community. Good health is not an end in itself, but is clearly the primary condition for an active and satisfying life. It is also a valuable indicator for measuring a society’s level of advancement.
The topics presented in this awareness-raising tool outline our current knowledge on eight major health factors: lifestyle, education, housing, transportation, urban planning, physical environment, social environment and poverty. The goal is to provide a simple and user-friendly tool to support reflection and guide actions that can foster public health improvement. This document is of particular relevance for all levels of government, municipalities, and community organizations.

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Online since: September 17, 2007
Last modification: September 17, 2007
Author: MSSS
Publication no : 07-245-02WA
No. ISBN (PDF) : 978-2-550-50864-9