Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
The SexEducator 8 – Waiting or having a child during adolescence: gaining a better understanding of what it means and of the issues involved

The issue covers the following topics, among others :
- Social representation of teen pregnancy
- Pregnancy in young women under 20 yeras of age : a statistical profile
- Having a child during adolescence : a want or a need ?
- Desire to have a child vs. role of the parent :when reality catches up with young people
- Adolescence and parenthood : when these two stages of life meet
- The challenges of young parents
- Elements likely to influence the lives of young parents
- Awarness, prevention and intervention : the contribution of various stakeholders
- Preventing pregnancy through global concerted action
The articles are followed by educational activities.
This issue of The SexEducator magazine is produced by the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, in collaboration with the Université du Québec à Montréal and Tel-Jeunes.

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Online since: May 11, 2007
Last modification: May 11, 2007
Author: MSSS, Tel-Jeunes, UQUÀM
Publication no : 06-314-02A
No. ISSN : 1913-1534
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There are several other issues available.