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Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux

Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux

The SexEducator 9: Pornography on the Internet and the consequences for youth: how do we intervene?


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No. 9 – Spring 2007

The issue covers the following topics, among others :

  • Internet pornography
  • What does pornography represent ?
  • What messages does pornography convey ?
  • Exposure of young people to pornographic material on the Internet
  • How do young people react to pornography ?
  • The effects of exposure to pornography on youth and their sexual relations
  • Specific consequences for girls
  • Specific consequences for boys
  • Suggestions for interventions

The articles are followed by educational activities.

This issue of The SexEducator is produced by the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, the Université du Québec à Montréal and Tel-Jeunes. It is only available in electronic format.

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Online since: May 11, 2007
Last modification: May 11, 2007

Author: MSSS

Publication no : 06-314-03A

No. ISSN : 1913-1534

Additional information

There are several other issues available.

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