Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Fish is really good for your health because it contains Omega-3s Heard of Omega-3? Fish, the Environment and Health

Fish is a highly nutritious food, rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. It is an important part of a sound diet and can contribute to maintaining good health. More specifically, scientists have shown that certain polyunsaturated fatty acids, called omega-3 fatty acids, are found in fish generally, but, above all, in salmon. They appear to have a beneficial effect on health, in particular from the standpoint of preventing cardiovascular disease. This is the meaning of the title of our educational brochure that we are not presenting on our Web site.
In addition to promoting the consumption of fish as a wholesome food, the brochure sets the record straight on environmental contamination that is likely to affect, to varying degrees, the quality of some fish species because of the bioaccumulation of certain substances. Mercury is by far the most worrisome contaminant.
Contrary to certain persistent prejudices, most fish species suffer from little or no contamination and can be consumed virtually without restriction. This is true of lake whitefish, brook trout, Atlantic salmon and other species.
Certain species, mainly ichthyophagous species, i.e. fish that eat other fish, such as walleye and northern pike, are always more likely to be contaminated by mercury. These fish are, nonetheless, edible and may even be consumed regularly, provided that consumers stick to the recommended two meals a month in the case of walleye and northern pike.

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Online since: February 28, 2008
Last modification: February 28, 2008
Author: MSSS
Publication no : 07-229-01A