Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Protection and prevention in the workplace - for workers taking part in the Direct allowance - service employment paycheque program

As a worker in the Direct allowance – service employment paycheque program, you may wonder about health and safety in your workplace. What should you do if you are injured at work? What should you do if you must take time off because of an accident at work? What is a temporary assignment? What can you do to take good care of your back? What should you do if you are pricked with a dirty needle?
You have rights but also obligations in the event of an accident or incident at work. You’ll find all the information you need in the brochure Protection and prevention in the workplace – for workers taking part in the Direct allowance – service employment paycheque progra.

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Online since: June 25, 2009
Last modification: June 25, 2009
Author: MSSS
Publication no : 09-513-01A
No. ISBN (PDF) : 978-2-550-56090-6