Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Taking amphetamines to lose weight... Not such a great idea!

A study recently revealed that some boys, but mainly girls, take amphetamines to control their weight or to lose weight. While it’s true that amphetamines curb your appetite, which can lead to weight loss, they can also be harmful to a person’s health. The brochure Taking amphetamines to lose weight… Not such a great idea! explains in clear terms that young people can understand what amphetamines are and their effects on the brain and body. And, most importantly, the brochure encourages young people to reflect on healthy ways to have a good time and control their weight.

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Online since: November 12, 2009
Last modification: November 12, 2009
Author: MSSS
Publication no : 09-804-08A
No. ISBN (PDF) : 978-2-550-57361-6