Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
The SexEducator 4 - Sexual health: Protect it! - 2010 Edition

No. 4 - Spring 2010 - Updated and expanded edition
The issue covers the following topics, among others:
- Sexually transmitted infections are still around
- Adolescents at risk because they are vulnerable
- Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of young people with regard to sexuality and STBBIs
- STBBIs in Québec: a worrisome situation and statistics that are not very encouraging
- Unfortunate repercussions
- Treatment for STBBIs
- Beyond the physiological consequences of STBBIs
- To choose is to prevent!
- The condom: a good partner
- A condom, of course!
- The right condom for you
- The condom: effective when used properly
- The ever unpopular condom
- When disadvantages condoms become advantages
- Obstacles to sexual protection
- Aesthetic treatments are not always harmless
- Multiple facets of prevention
This issue of The SexEducator is produced by the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, the Université du Québec à Montréal and Tel-Jeunes.

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Online since: June 17, 2010
Last modification: June 17, 2010
Author: MSSS, Tel-Jeunes, UQUÀM
Publication no : 10-314-01A
No. ISSN : 1913-1534
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There are several other issues available.