Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
The SexEducator 16 – Communication in adolescent couples

No. 16 - Winter 2011
This issue covers the following topics, among others:
- What is communication?
- Expressing yourself is good, but expressing yourself and listening is better
- Statistics on communication in adolescent couples
- Components of good and poor communication
- Conditions for good communication
- Learning to communicate your feelings
- Talking about sexuality with a boyfriend of girlfriend: not always easy!
- Sexual protection: taboo subject for adolescent couples?
- Communication and conflict management
The articles are followed by educational activities.
This issue of The SexEducator magazine is produced by the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, in collaboration with the Université du Québec à Montréal and Tel-Jeunes.

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Online since: April 4, 2011
Last modification: April 4, 2011
Author: MSSS, Tel-Jeunes, UQUÀM
Publication no : 10-314-04A
No. ISSN : 1718-5238
Additional information
There are several other issues available.