Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Visual aid lending - Principles and guidelines

This document is intended for people who have a visual deficiency leading to significant and permanent disabilites. It presents the principles of Insured Visual Aids and Related Services Program. In it you will find the major guidelines that must be followed in allocating visual aids, explanations that illustrate how the specialized rehabilitation team must apply the program, as well as user responsibilites.

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(PDF, 259 Ko, 16 pages)
Visual aid - E-text
(DOC, 126 Ko, 14 pages)
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(DOC, 310 Ko, 34 pages)
Visual aid - Accessible PDF
(PDF, 235 Ko, 16 pages)
Visual aid - Daisy digital
(ZIP, 8 Mo)
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This publication is available in French.
Online since: June 13, 2011
Last modification: June 13, 2011
Author: MSSS
Publication no : 11-841-01A
No. ISBN (PDF) : 978-2-550-61988-8