Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
One kit One hit - Reducing injection risks

The pamphlet "One kit, one hit : Reducing injection risks" is an information tool for people who want to reduce the risks associated with injection drug use.
The following tool contains a variety of features, including:
- A step by step description of safer injection practices.
- An overview of the equipment needed to transform, filter and inject drugs.
- Tips to reduce the risks of overdose.
The recommended equipment and safer injection steps vary according to the type of drug used and the amount of solution that is injected. The pamphlet "One kit, one hit : Reducing injection risks" presents these differences and allows to properly advise people who inject drugs.

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Online since: March 17, 2009
Last modification: March 26, 2021
Author: MSSS
Publication no : 20-313-02A
No. ISBN : 978-2-550-88563-4
No. ISBN (PDF) : 978-2-550-88564-1