Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Preventing AIDS and other STDS through sexuality education for students with intellectual impairments – Compendium of teaching and learning activities geared to adapted curricula

AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are current problems of concern to everyone, including students with intellectual impairments. Because such students are few in number, the availability of special educational tools on this subject is rather limited. To remedy this situation, the Centre de coordination sur le sida of the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec, in collaboration with the ministère de l’Éducation du Québec, has agreed, in the framework of a common action plan, to support schools and teachers by producing educational materials on the subject. Accordingly, this publication was developed in order to support educational activities aimed at preventing AIDS and other STDs.
The proposed activities are related to certain competencies and elements of competency included in the adapted curricula Pacte (Programmes d’études Adaptés avec Compétences Transférables Essentielles) and Challenges (An educational approach that facilitates social integration).

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Online since: October 11, 2000
Last modification: October 11, 2000
Author: MSSS
Publication no : 00-309A
No. ISBN : 2-550-36489-9