Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Department Orientations - Adapting Health and Social Services to Homosexuals
Department Orientations

The orientations published in this document will determine the steps to be taken on a priority basis in the MSSS, as well as throughout the health and social services network in order to (1) fight discrimination against homosexuals; (2) tailor services to fit the needs of gays and lesbians; (3) recognize gay and lesbian communities and support their contributions; and (4) improve knowledge and intervention.
The MSSS bases the action it advocates on the following principles : elimination of all discrimination from the provision of health and social services; recognition of the legitimacy of the aspirations for better well-being on the part of gays and lesbians; and promotion of respect for gays and lesbians and for their differences.

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Online since: April 13, 1999
Last modification: April 13, 1999
Author: MSSS
Publication no : 97-762an
No. ISBN : 2-551-17835-5