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Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux

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Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux

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All publications in 2024

42 publications. Choose a new criterion for consultation

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Application for death verification

Last modification: August 12, 2024
No. 24-116-10WA

Image de la couverture du document.

Application for Research into Family and Medical Antecedents and Reunions

Last modification: August 12, 2024
No. 24-116-11WA

Image de la couverture du document.

Colorectal Cancer Screening - Decision Aid

Last modification: January 26, 2024
No. 23-902-01A

Image de la couverture du document.

Criteria for excluding a child from daycare or school
Information sheet

Last modification: March 27, 2024
No. 23-284-02WA

Image de la couverture du document.

Decision tool – If you have symptoms of a respiratory infection and gastroenteritis
Information sheet

Last modification: February 6, 2024
No. 23-294-01A

Image de la couverture du document.

Family law reform: Legislative changes for sociobiological research and reunions

Last modification: April 5, 2024
No. 23-116-07WA

Image de la couverture du document.

Filing a report with the DYP is already protecting a child - When and how to file a report?

Last modification: April 11, 2024
No. 23-838-09A, ISBN 978-2-550-97135-1 (PDF)

Image de la couverture du document.

Information on other examinations used in addition to screening mammograms

Last modification: May 13, 2024
No. 23-243-03A

Image de la couverture du document.

Information sheets for parents of children aged 2 to 5
Information sheet

Last modification: March 20, 2024
No. 23-836-09A

Image de la couverture du document.

It's really hot! - Flyer

Last modification: May 16, 2024
No. 24-203-02A

Image de la couverture du document.

It's really hot! - Poster

Last modification: May 16, 2024
No. 24-203-03A

Image de la couverture du document.

It's really hot! Precautions you need to take for children - Poster

Last modification: May 16, 2024
No. 24-203-04A

Image de la couverture du document.

Measles Vaccination

Last modification: April 29, 2024
No. 24-278-01A

Image de la couverture du document.

Open your eyes - Be aware! STI and HIV screening concerns all of us - Pamphlet

Last modification: May 6, 2024
No. 23-317-01A

Image de la couverture du document.

Prevention advice in the event of poor air quality due to vegetation fires
Information sheet

Last modification: June 26, 2024
No. 24-203-01WA