Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
School-based dental sealant application - Information sheet for parents
Information sheet

The Québec Public Health Program includes a school-based dental sealant application activity. To support this provincial activity that will be carried out by dental hygienists from integrated health and social services centres (CISSS) and integrated university health and social services centres (CIUSSS), various tools have been developed, including this information sheet.
Based on the results of the school-based dental screening activity, the dental hygienist will give a copy of the information sheet to all parents whose children are eligible for school-based dental sealant application. The information sheet is illustrated and describes, in plain language, the activity their child is eligible for. It also comes with a consent form and a medical questionnaire (front/back) that parents must complete and return to the school if they would like their child to receive this service.

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Online since: September 27, 2016
Last modification: September 10, 2020
Author: MSSS
Publication no : 20-231-06A