Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Mosaïk – The Bulletin – Involving parents in their children's sex education

The following tools are intended for the parents of primary and secondary school students and may be distributed by professionals in the health and the social services and educational networks and by community network outreach workers.

You are about to download the English version of this publication. Please note that this is aimed for those covered by one of the exceptions under the Charter of the French language.
No 1 - Girls' and boys' bodies
Ages 5 - 6
(PDF, 4 Mo, 2 pages)
No 2 - Preventing sexual assault
Ages 6 - 7
(PDF, 3 Mo, 2 pages)
No 3 - Conception, pregnancy and birth
Ages 6 - 7
(PDF, 3 Mo, 2 pages)
No 4 - Sharing tasks at home
Ages 7 - 8
(PDF, 3 Mo, 2 pages)
No 5 - Preventing sexual assault
Ages 8 - 9
(PDF, 3 Mo, 2 pages)
No 6 - The influence of friends and the media
Ages 9 - 10
(PDF, 3 Mo, 2 pages)
No 7 - Keeping children safe on-line
Ages 10 - 11
(PDF, 3 Mo, 2 pages)
No 8 - Conception, fertility and puberty
Ages 10 - 11
(PDF, 4 Mo, 2 pages)
No 9 - Puberty
Ages 11 - 12
(PDF, 3 Mo, 2 pages)
No 10 - Body image
Ages 11 - 12
(PDF, 3 Mo, 2 pages)
No 11 - Romantic awakening
Ages 11 - 12
(PDF, 3 Mo, 2 pages)
No 12 - First romantic relationships
High school
(PDF, 4 Mo, 2 pages)
No 13 - Violence in adolescent romantic relationships
High school
(PDF, 3 Mo, 2 pages)
No 14 - The influence of friends on young people
High school
(PDF, 3 Mo, 2 pages)
No 15 - Adolescence and homosexuality
High school
(PDF, 4 Mo, 2 pages)
No 16 - How do I talk to teens about their first sexual experience?
High school
(PDF, 4 Mo, 2 pages)
No 17 - How do I talk to my child about contraception?
High school
(PDF, 3 Mo, 2 pages)
No 18 - How do I talk to my child about condoms?
High school
(PDF, 3 Mo, 2 pages)
No 19 - Helping teens have a positive body image
High school
(PDF, 3 Mo, 2 pages)
This publication is available only in an electronic version.
This publication is available in French.
Online since: June 21, 2016
Last modification: June 21, 2016
Author: MSSS
Publication no : 15-314-09WA