Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Notices to prevent infections in child care and schools in Quebec.

These notices show public health recommendations related to the prevention of infections in child care and schools in Québec.

You are about to download the English version of this publication. Please note that this is aimed for those covered by one of the exceptions under the Charter of the French language.
Notice about non-pasteurized apple juice for all day care institutions
(PDF, 23 Ko, 1 page)
Notice on risk of salmonella infection through the handling of eggshells and egg boxes in childcare establishments
(PDF, 42 Ko, 2 pages)
This publication is available only in an electronic version.
This publication is available in French.
Online since: January 25, 2016
Last modification: January 25, 2016
Author: MSSS
Publication no : Avis_Rince-mains_2008