Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Progressing toward a tobaccofree Québec - Developing Québec Anti-Tobacco Legislation - Consultation document

This document first addresses various dimensions of the public health issue of smoking: its prevalence in Québec, its associated morbidity and mortality, and the social dynamics that encourage its persistence.
Following a discussion of the foundations and general principles that must guide the necessary fight against smoking, a brief summary of the Government of Québec’s anti-tobacco initiatives is presented, with a focus on the Tobacco Act.
Finally, certain findings regarding tobacco use, sales and promotion are presented, followed by various legislative possibilities. These possibilities are explored with the questions used to prepare the submissions filed for the public consultations arising from this document.

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Online since: January 11, 2005
Last modification: January 11, 2005
Author: MSSS
Publication no : 04-006-07A