Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Oncology Passport

A Valuable Tool for Anyone Living with Cancer
The oncology passport is an effective tool that helps people living with cancer understand the treatment program, follow its progress, and take an active part in it. It also serves as a "calling card" when they visit the emergency department because it informs health-care personnel that the bearer is being actively treated for cancer, which is why it's called an oncology passport.
The passport contains a variety of features, including:
- A checklist of useful general information, such as emergency telephone numbers.
- Information about symptoms that require immediate attention.
- Spaces in which the patient can write in appointments, list health-care professionals, list prescribed medications, and makes notes about their general state of health.
The oncology passport promotes partnership between the person living with cancer and health-care professionals as well as fosters self-management of the disease.

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Online since: April 17, 2008
Last modification: November 8, 2022
Author: MSSS
Publication no : 22-902-07A
No. ISBN : 978-2-550-92986-4
No. ISBN (PDF) : 978-2-550-92987-1